Leftover Wax? Make Furniture Polish.

DIY Furniture Wax

1 cup beeswax
1 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup vinegar

Directions: Melt the beeswax and coconut oil in a double boiler or microwave-safe bowl. Once melted, remove from heat and add in the vinegar. Mix well. Let the mixture cool to room temperature, then apply to your furniture with a soft cloth.

Got leftover wax? Make furniture polish with it.

Wondering what to do with the leftovers from your candles once they’re no longer able to burn? Beeswax furniture polish is a natural and effective way to protect and preserve your wood furniture, and it requires beeswax, which creates a protective barrier that helps repel moisture and wear. Not only will your furniture look shiny and new, but the beeswax will also help protect it from moisture and wear over time. This is a great way to use up every last drop of wax from our precious Replenish You candles.

When making your own beeswax furniture polish, it's important to choose pure, unbleached and undyed beeswax like ours to ensure that you're getting the full benefits of its natural properties. Additionally, using organic coconut oil and vinegar ensures that you're not introducing any harmful chemicals or synthetic fragrances into your home.

Using a natural furniture polish not only helps protect and preserve your furniture, but it's also a more sustainable and eco-friendly option compared to commercial products — in plastic packaging — that contain harsh chemicals. Here's how to make your own beeswax furniture polish after saving up your melted candle wax.


In honour of incredible women doing incredible things, meet my best friend Jess.


The Palm Wax Problem.